Tuesday, March 24th, 2020 – 7th grade work

Hello and welcome 7th graders (and parents / guardians / online learners looking for content),

Today is another great learning day! They’re all great days for learning, but sometimes we need a little reminder.

Today you have four to five items for Literature / ELA To Do List:

      • Tangerine reading and discussion questions and feedback (17 -25 minutes)
      • Daily Journal  (12 – 20 minutes)
      • Daily Reading (35 minutes)
      • Study for the pedis quiz tomorrow (3 – 5 minutes)

Let’s get started!

  1. Tangerine reading and discussion questions and feedback (17 -25 minutes, 15 – 20 minutes for your reading and 2-5 minutes to fill out the survey on Teams)
    • Go on Teams and complete the “Tangerine Reading and Discussion Question Feedback” survey.
    • Be honest! If you are behind, tell me. If you are ahead, tell me. If you are stressed, overwhelmed, needing help with organization, or anything else – tell me!
    • Once you have done the survey, read from Tangerine for 10 to 15 minutes then work on discussion questions for 5 – 10 minutes.
    • Contact me with any questions!
  2. Daily Journal (12 – 20 minutes, 10 – 15 for today’s entry and 2 – 5 for submitting your favorite from last week on Teams)
    • On Teams, complete the “Favorite Journal Entry of Week 1” assignment (4 points)
      • Choose your favorite journal entry from last week (March 16th – 22nd) and explain why you chose it.
      • Your explanation doesn’t need to be long, just in complete sentences (think the size of a sticky note).
      • Upload the journal entry and your explanation on the assignment and remember to submit your work!
    • Once you have finished that, work on today’s prompt.
      • Prompt: Remember the plant from last week? Go visit it and describe the differences you see. They might be massive changes or near-microscopic shifts – whatever they are, make sure to record them. You could also draw a picture and label it with the things you notice on and around the plant.
  3. Reading Log (35 minutes – 30 minutes reading, 5 minutes reflecting)
    • Read for 30 minutes and use the reflecting time to complete your reading log.
    • Note: Remember to change the type of evidence you use every day.
      • You can reuse the type of evidence every few days, but not the same one day after day after day after day.
      • I love books, but looking at a picture of the page you’re reading is not nearly as interesting as reading your thoughts about the book in a summary, prediction, illustration, character sketch, etc.
      • If you want to take a picture every few days, go for it! You could include a pet, a sibling, a dramatic expression, an interesting locale. You’re creative individuals, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
    • Whatever you choose, have fun with it!
  4. Study for your Pedis quiz (3-5 minutes)
    • Make it short and, if at all possible, make it fun! Use snacks, physical activity, games, or whatever works for you.
    • The quiz will be on Teams tomorrow – please let me know if you’re having trouble accessing the app!

That’s all for now. Please make sure to check in with any questions, concerns or delicious baking recipes that you may have!