Monday, March 23rd, 2020 – 8th grade work

Good morning 8th graders,

Welcome to Week Two! If you haven’t already seen it in your inboxes, check out this Special Report from ENN…

I think the kindness quote at the end is particularly appropriate for right now, so much so that I want to include it in this post:

        • “Some days, doing ‘the best we can’ may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn’t perfect on any front – and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else.”
            • Mr. Fred Rogers

This is not an easy situation for anyone (you, siblings, parents, guardians, teachers…everyone), but the work that you are doing – looking for schoolwork on different platforms, organizing your schedule, following your schedule, attempting to complete your work, helping siblings and friends with questions, figuring out where to turn in your work and then remembering to do it, being patient with yourself and those around you, offering words of support, helping out around the house, distracting yourself and your siblings so your parents can work, practicing mindfulness and calming techniques, and so much more – all of those efforts help. The little things that you do make a difference. Thank you for “doing what [you] can with what [you] have”!

Okay, after that message, now it’s on to today’s work. You have two items for your Literature To Do List:

      • Daily Reading (35 minutes)
      • Monologue preparation (10 – 15 minutes)

Here we go!

  1. Daily reading (35 minutes – 30 for reading and 5 for evidence)
    • Read for 30 minutes, fill out your reading log, and let me know if you need help finding a new book!
  2. Monologue preparation (10 – 15 minutes)
    • 🌟Important note🌟: I am moving the due date for the monologue performance and write-up. Here are the new dates:
        • Optional rough draft for write-up: Thursday, April 2nd, 2020
          • If you want to exchange with a classmate and receive feedback, please have your short write-up complete by this day. This is entirely optional – you do not have to exchange your rough draft.
        • Final write-up due and performances begin: Monday, April 6th, 2020
          • This is the day you submit your:
            • Final write-up
            • Annotated monologue
            • Completed “Questions to guide your monologue”
          • There will be an assignment posting on Teams where you can submit these three items at that time.
    • To help create the performance schedule, I need you to go on the 8th Grade ELA/LIT Team and complete the assignment I have posted.
    • This week, you can work on memorizing your monologue.
      • Break your monologue up into separate emotional beats.
      • Rewrite the separate sections of your monologue on individual index cards (or whatever you have). This will help you remember the tone and body shifts that happen with the different emotional beats.
      • If your monologue is already rewritten, find a quiet space (as best you can), and start practicing!
        • Start by reading your notecards aloud, remembering to use the tone and pacing you worked out in your annotations.
        • As you work, if you want to change something in your performance (tone, body, pacing, etc.), go for it! This is your interpretation and performance.
        • After you have read a section through, repeat it. When you are finished with that, do it again…and again and again and again. Memorizing your monologue requires repetition.

That’s everything for today. Let me know if you have questions!