Thursday, May 7th, 2020 – 7th grade work

Good morning 7th graders,

Welcome to Thursday of Spirit Week – Educator Appreciation Day! I have a special favor to ask, and since I’m one of your educators, you can consider it your way of showing appreciation.

Here is it – give some love to your first and original educators – your parents/guardians!

Some of you might be surprised to think of them this way, but it’s true. Your parents/guardians were there to help you from the very beginning and have served as the most constant supportive presence in your life. Your school teachers educate you for a year, sometimes two, but your parents/guardians are for life. They cheer you on when you’re on top, dust you off when you’re low, help you learn from mistakes, and, most importantly, love you, no matter what.

That is some heavy duty work. Don’t get me wrong – it’s rewarding and I know your parents/guardians wouldn’t have it any other way. But, sometimes, it’s hard. Really hard. Seriously, absurdly, insanely hard. And, being middle schoolers, sometimes we forget to acknowledge all that they have done and continue to do to educate us about the world and ourselves. Sometimes, we might even be rude or actively ignore or reject the valuable support our parents/guardians provide. I know you know what I’m talking about🤨.

What’s amazing is that, despite these challenges, our parents/guardians keep going – keep forgiving, keep teaching, keep loving, keep supporting, keep helping us grow into the best version of ourselves.

So, today, on Educator Appreciation Day, do me a favor and celebrate your parents/guardians! Thank them for their support (emotional, financial, physical, academic, etc.). Make them a card or write them a poem. Do an interpretive dance or sing a song. You can help out around the house to make things easier for them, but make sure you actually say the words “thank” and “you” (preferably more than that – include specific details and some heartfelt emotions) at some point so they know you appreciate all of their hard work.

Okay, thank you for doing that. I really appreciate it! (see, it feels nice to be appreciated😊)

Now, here is the work for today – you have four items for your Literature / LA To Do List:

  • Review and turn in Tangerine Part 3 Discussion Questions (5 minutes)
  • Daily reading (20 – 35 minutes)
  • Daily Journal (5 – 15 minutes)
  • Appreciate your first educators – your parents/guardians (all day!)

Let’s get started!

  1. Review and turn in Tangerine Part 3 Discussion Questions (5 – 10 minutes)
    • Your Part 3 questions are due today on Teams (“Tangerine Part 3 Discussion Question Responses”)
    • If you want to earn full credit, BEFORE turning them in, please check that you have followed the directions:
      • All of your sentences are complete (capitals, punctuation, no sentences starting with “Because…” or “Yes,…”)
      • All responses use text evidence, quotes, from Tangerine to support your answers
      • All questions are thoughtfully and thoroughly answered
    • Once you have checked your work, go ahead and submit it on Teams!
  2. Daily reading (20 – 35 minutes)
    • You are finished with Tangerine so it’s all about your free reading/book talk books!
    • Read for 15 – 30 minutes, then complete your reading log entry
    • Your evidence column is where you practice different critical thinking skills every day – be sure to take your time and put thought and effort into your work.
    • Contact me with any questions or concerns!
  3. Daily Journal (5 – 15 minutes)
    • Write on whatever you wish or use the prompt below:
    • Prompt – Think about all of the different beings that have taught you something in your life. Think about the times you have taught somebody else. What are the qualities of a successful educator? Why are those qualities so important?
  4. Appreciate your first educators – your parents/guardians (all day!)
    • Formally acknowledge the work your parents have done and continue to do
    • Make a card, do a dance, sing a song, make a movie – do something where you clearly communicate the message “I appreciate all that you do! You do SO much for me and I want you to know that I see it and am forever grateful!”
    • If your heart overflows with appreciation – show some love for your other educators:
      • Friends
      • Pets
      • Coaches
      • Siblings
      • The tree outside that finally bloomed and taught you the value of patience
      • …but, seriously, make sure parents/guardians are first and the most heartfelt!

That’s everything!

Thank you for all of your hard work. I know that this situation isn’t easy, but I’m amazed by your persistence. When this is over, because it will end, I look forward to seeing you use all of the new skills and abilities you have gained during this period. For now, stay strong, ask for help, and keep in contact!

Have an erudite Educator Appreciation Day!