Thomas Literature for Monday, May 11th, 2020

Hello 8th graders,

Welcome to Week 8! It’s been interesting to read your personal definitions of poetry and examples of poetic devices. I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the sample poems I will be sharing soon.

For today, you have three items of your Literature To Do list:

  • Daily Reading (20 -35 minutes)
  • TEDTalk video and responses (20 – 25 minutes)
  • List of 10 things you know to be true (10 minutes or less)

Let’s dive right in!

  1. Daily Reading (20 -35 minutes)
    • Read for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your weekly reading plan for this week
    • Demonstrate thought and effort when filling out your online reading log
    • Contact me if you have questions or need some help!
  2. TEDTalk video and responses (20 – 25 minutes)
    • Watch the TEDTalk “Sara Kay: If I should have a daughter…”
    • In your notebook or in a Word document, respond to the four questions and prompts below:
      1. What is special about spoken word poetry? How is it different from other forms of poetry?
      2. In your own words, what were the three steps of Sarah Kay’s spoken word poetry journey?
      3. According to Sarah Kay, where do great stories start? What does that mean to you?
      4. List three benefits of spoken word poetry.
    • Submit your responses on the Teams assignment worth 4 points (Notes from “Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter…”)
  3. List of 10 things you know to be true (10 minutes or less)
    • After watching the video above, make your own list of ten things you know to be true
    • The assignment is posted on Teams with directions and an example list created by me
    • The things you list should be the first ten things that are true for you that pop into your head
    • Contact me with any questions.

And that’s everything for today. Have a magical Monday and contact me with any questions!