Monday, March 30th, 2020 – 8th grade work

Good morning 8th graders,

I hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend. If not – or if you’re struggling to hold onto that sense of calm – I invite you to chill out on this beach for a couple of minutes (or however long you need) while taking some deep breaths. Remember that you are a loved, supported, and entirely capable individual, who is part of a larger community that can help with whatever you need.

Okay, now that we’ve reminded ourselves that we’re all in this together (I had to do it 😂), let’s take a look at our day. You have two items for your Literature To Do list:

        • Monologue practice survey (1-2 minutes)
        • Daily Reading (20 – 35 minutes)

Let’s get started…

  1. Monologue practice survey (1-2 minutes)
    • Some of you have asked for opportunities to practice your monologue with classmates on Teams and I am happy to help!
    • I need to know who wants time to practice on Teams, so please fill out the one-question survey I posted on 8th grade Literature today.
    • Tomorrow morning I will collect the information and post a practice schedule.
    • Let me know if you have questions.
  2. Daily Reading (20 – 35 minutes)
    • If your schedule is full or you are feeling overwhelmed – read for 15 minutes and reflect in your Reading Log.
    • If you have extra time and are not overwhelmed – read for 30 minutes and reflect in your Reading Log.
      • Side note: You can read and record your thoughts over the weekend, but it is NOT homework. I put the dates for weekends and Spring Break in the reading log to encourage you to read, but you are not required to fill those dates in. Let me know if you have questions!

That’s everything – have a marvelous Monday and let me know if you have questions!